Roadmap to Turn Your Story into Sales

Your Origin Story is a top sales asset! Learn how to make it work for you with the 'Story to Sales Magic 'Course.

Do You Know Which Story to Tell?

Too many coaches lose sales from hot leads because they tell the wrong story!

Let's find the part of your origin story that sells by connecting it to your offer.

Insider Tip: Every offer needs a different Origin Sales Story!

Get 1:1 support and 75% off - until the timer goes!

This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage

Emotionally Connect to Your Audience

The perfect metaphor slips past the analytical mind into the imagination. This ignites the spark of POSSIBILITY for the audience, making your Story possible for them too. THIS is what makes the sale!

3 out of 3 Clients in the initial Beta Run Converted the FIRST time they told their Sales Magic Story

You will effortlessly close more sales by telling the right story in the right order using the right metaphor.


Jennifer is a professional writer and story consultant for documentary and feature film. She has also spent years working as a social media manager and digital marketer for top corporations, including RxLeaf and LabX. Jennifer has organically grown social media accounts into the millions of followers using the principles of storytelling and zero paid ads. She now teaches coaches and other online entrepreneurs how to use story to increase sales and human connection.

Sign up for 6-Week Story to Sales Magic Course (Beta)
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